segunda-feira, fevereiro 10, 2003

Animalzinho bizarro e Garbage

What Obscure Animal are you?
More on Fennecs Foxes:
Fennecs Foxes are very very tiny and weigh about 3 pounds full grown!
Proportionally they have the biggest ears of any Canine
They live in deserts and are nocturnal, to avoid the heat
They make really great pets... if you can cough up the 1000$ for one @_@;
As pets they eat catfood and really like grapes.

* * * * *

You are #1 Crush. You love to love and be loved in
return. You're very romantic. Be careful not to
turn love into an o b s e s s i o n.

Which Garbage Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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